1. sourceinstall(1)
  2. Debra
  3. sourceinstall(1)


sourceinstall - install from a source tarball


sourceinstall tarball [-b bootstrap] [-f flags] [-p prefix] [-d destdir] [-i install] [-c command] [-h]


Sourceinstall automates the fetch, extract, install cycle frequently encountered when working with source archives. Options are provided for adding a bootstrap command, customizing the ./configure command, or customising the destination directory. The -c option bypasses the standard bootstrap, ./configure, make, make install process entirely and runs command instead.


Options may be set multiple times. In all cases, the last one wins.

Path or URI to a source tarball.
-b bootstrap
Bootstrap command to run before beginning ./configure, make, make install. This command is run from the root of the extracted tarball.
-f flags
Flags passed to ./configure.
-p prefix
Prefix passed to ./configure. Shortcut to the --prefix flag which will override any --prefix set in flags.
-d destdir
Destination directory passed to make install as DESTDIR.
-i install
Make target to run instead of install.
-c command
Command to run instead of ./configure, make, make install. This command is run from the root of the extracted tarball.
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Richard Crowley r@rcrowley.org


Part of debra(1).

  1. January 2011
  2. sourceinstall(1)